Using EPT to Help Heal ADD and ADHD
EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast – Episode 22
Hi I’m Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor. I’m here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good. You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at and like us on Facebook.
ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder.
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Chances are you know someone who has one of these diagnoses.
In today’s podcast, you will learn:
-What are the most commonly used drugs for ADD/ADHD
-You will also learn facts about prescribed ADHD drugs including known withdrawal symptoms
-I’m also going to review what leading experts have to say about whether or not these drugs really help with ADHD
-Finally, I’ll be talking about how environmental influences can create or contribute to attention deficit disorder and how EPT can help.
-As always, I will throw in some forgiveness statements that you can use to help yourself or someone else who has ADD
-If you hang in there until the end, you will also learn about an essential oil that can balance a person with ADD.
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