Professional Certification Programs in Emotional Polarity Technique™
A completely different approach in emotional healthcare to end physical and emotional pain and suffering through forgiveness
Not your mama’s therapy.
Emotional Polarity Technique™ has over 25 years of clinical success ending physical and emotional pain and suffering in both adults and children.
Simply put, Emotional Polarity Technique™ uses the power of forgiveness to resolve the unresolved emotional conflicts in life that cause sickness, chronic pain and difficult relationships.
The immediate result is profound, empowering relief. The long-term result is permanent positive behavior changes, a healthier life and a better world.
Hard stuff happens in life that often goes unresolved in the mind. Those unresolved conflicts turn into pain and suffering, but don’t have to.
EPT™ uses forgiveness to end the physical and emotional suffering caused by unresolved emotional conflicts.
Ready to help others in the next evolution of emotional healthcare? We love training people with big hearts and compassionate souls. This is not a quickie online training certification. The EPTworks™ Certification is not just a piece of paper. This certification is backed up with hours of real hands-on training delivered by Master EPT practitioners with years of experience. Its for those who truly want to be the very best in the field of alternative emotional healing. Our goal is to deliver an exciting, enlightening and professional educational experience for people who are seeking to become well respected emotional healthcare professionals.
Emotional Polarity Technique™ Professional Training Programs is ready to empower and ignite your soul’s passion in a new career that is changing the face of emotional healthcare. EPT offers a professional holistic alternative therapy with over 25 years of clinical success ending pain and suffering in both adults and children.
Are you ready?
Call 317-585-9410 for more information
See what EPT™ Practitioners have to say about EPT™ and their EPT™ Training
Janette Trent says…
EPTworks Training is a remarkable experience for so many reasons! Learning Emotional Polarity Technique (EPT) opened my heart and mind to the possibility of healing in ways that I had never even dreamed were possible before. EPTworks Core Training not only taught me the basics of how to perform EPT, but it also opened my eyes to just how many situations and people could benefit from this powerful technique. There is no question that our world is in need of healing. It is very much in need of forgiveness, and of love. Being able to help facilitate that healing, forgiveness and love is a gift beyond measure. And each time you use the techniques you will learn in EPTworks Core Training Class, you will be helping to bring about healing…not only for your clients, but for the friends and families of your clients as well. I would make the choice to take the EPTworks Core Training Class again in a heartbeat. My original investment in this class has been returned to me, in both intangible and tangible ways, many times over. I believe the same will be true for you.
Ekintza Paz, Certified Professional EPT™ Candidate, says…
Two years ago my life began to crumble. Everyone and everything started to disappear. I could have never imagined where I would be today. My children and I are closer than we’ve ever been. Although some days are still difficult, I can finally feel the sun on my face again and I am filled with gratitude for everything that’s come before. E.P.T. didn’t save my life it has given me life and now I want to help others using this amazing technique!
Summerville, SC
Dorothy Tomasic, Master EPT™ Candidate, says…
I, like most people who experience EPT, was simply amazed at how quickly and accurately Dr. Annette was able to discover the “original conditioning events” that contributed to current emotional discomfort. Observing the miraculous nature of muscle testing, the use of magnets to balance the body and the healing power of forgiveness stirred something in me that said, “I have to learn how to do this immediately!” So my journey began over five years ago. I love my clients and am honored to help them connect the dots that link their past to their current state. Helping people release old, limiting beliefs and become empowered to live life lighter, happier and with more awareness is incredibly rewarding. My clients, family, friends and even my pets LOVE EPT!
Deanna Robbins, Certified Professional EPT™ Candidate, says…
Since taking The Core Training, I have experienced an elevated sense of wholeness and well being. I believe as we pursue our own healing we can then extend that to the same degree to others. It was awesome to learn from seasoned practitioners who are using EPT™ methods to identify root memories that produce negative emotional patterns and then healing them with love and forgiveness. It is a very powerful form of therapy that catapulted me towards healing in a way that traditional counseling was unable to do. If you are thinking about doing this training, I would say, “Are you ready to heal yourself? It is worth every penny. Are you ready to heal your friends, family or even your community? Cool, you will have the tools to do that too!“
Change your life right now with forgiveness!
Get my FREE Mini Video Course on EPT™
You will learn:
- Why forgiveness is a game-changer in physical and emotional health
- How to use forgiveness to change your life right now
- 5 Secrets of transformative forgiveness
- How forgiveness frees up energy for your body to heal itself
- Why simple, integrated body work speeds up the process of forgiveness
- How collaboration with another person accelerates your transformation
- How EPT™ can be your perfect career
- How EPT™ can help you live the dream
In The Forgiveness Doctor (an Amazon best-seller), Dr. Cargioli walks you through the Four Steps of Emotional Polarity Technique™ to identify and release the exact hidden memory that is preventing you from creating the success, health and relationships you were destined to have.
She will explain why forgiveness is the key component in Emotional Polarity Technique™ and how combining this one component with energy and intuition, can make miracles happen in your life right now.
Order now on Amazon Available in Paperback and Kindle.
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Listen to over 60 podcasts on the Listen, Love, Give Podcast.
Learn more about healing your life through forgiveness and how Emotional Polarity Technique™ can change everything for good.

I’ve spent the better part of the last 30 years discovering Emotional Polarity Technique™, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that helps people break through their pain and loss to create phenomenal health, happiness and new life.
Since 1994 I’ve trained hundreds of people to ignite their own intuitive healing gifts using EPT™ to create happy EPT™ clients all over the world.