Going against a vow can create internal conflict within oneself and external conflict with the one you may hold the vow with. Margaret Lynch teaches how vows or promises we take unconsciously keep you from living the life of your dreams. In her course, 7 Levels of Abundance she shares insights taken from the Rhys Method. I found this list of negative vows to be very useful in using EPTworks to eliminate the conflicts that drive your sabatage behavior.
1) Negative vows of loyalty and rebellion to your family paradigm.
“My vow of loyalty to my parents and how they never got the reward of money in their lives, means I will never get the reward or really feel deserving of the reward.”
2) Negative vows to deny my own needs and desires.
“My vow to never honor my needs, to never have a need, to never be vulnerable like that again. My vow to never feel my needs, to take care of it by myself, so no one can hurt me and won’t be disappointed.”
3) Negative vows to be invisible or appropriate.
“My vow to never be like them, to never speak up or take action that you can criticize me for.”
4) Negative vows to be perfect before I can be deserving.
“My vows to know better, to always do better. My vows to never enjoy the rewards of my achievements unless I am perfect.”
5) Negative vows to never speak my truth.
“My vow to never speak the truth of who I am and what I am capable of, what people need from me. My vow to never speak honestly about what I am good at.
6) Negative vows limit my view to see the world as dark and dangerous.
“My vow to see my life and world only through my fears so that I an unable to fully commit.”
7) Negative vows to see limitation in God’s love for me.
“My vow that I am insignificant to God, so there is no divine support in my life.”
Many of us hold on to one or several of these negative vows, and until we get past them, they may continue to sabotage the success that we want to have. Think about some of these vows that you may hold and forgive yourself for holding on and sabotaging your success.
regina viars says
thank you for the reminder!