There is a powerlessness about debt that is tangible. There is a sense of suffering, guilt and not having enough in the experience of owing more than we can pay. Debt is just money we owe. It can be eliminated by paying the money we owe. The debt is not our problem. It is the way we feel about the debt that creates the suffering. Once we enter that state of suffering, guilt and emptiness, it becomes impossible to take power over debt in our lives. These negative feelings about money and debt usually come from childhood. We absorb the feelings our parents hold about money and debt.
Many of us had debt transferred to us as children when it was implied that we owed for what we could never pay back from what has been given to us–clothes, food, gas, our house. We were made to feel guilty for mom or dad working very hard just to pay for our things. We took on beliefs that “I’m not enough” or “I’m not worth it”. There is a sense of a debt I can never pay back, no matter what I earn or produce. I will always feel this guilt, shame and powerlessness with the money I have because I still owe for my childhood.
The debt you must release is the debt your parents or you hold against yourself from childhood and all you were given. This is the debt you can never pay. You have created money debt in your life so you can continually be in the state of paying it off, in hopes to alleviate the guilt and suffering of the past. The truth is, you can repay or resolve a money debt. However, the debts from our childhood and emotional debts can never be repaid with money but only resolved through forgiveness. Think about what exists in your life, besides financial debt, that you feel indebted with. Maybe you are just trying to pay off an old debt that can only be resolved through forgiveness. Use your power to let go of the debts in your life that can’t be resolved with money and see how easily you can get out of debt.
To feel better about your debt, read these statements aloud and inhale and exhale after each statement:
- I forgive myself for believing I can’t get out of debt.
- I forgive myself for believing I have to feel guilty, ashamed or unworthy because I have financial debt.
- I forgive myself for believing by putting my attention on financial debt, I can take away feelings of guilt and shame from childhood.
- I forgive myself for believing that money is the only debt I owe.
- I forgive myself for believing I can’t let go of the bad feelings until I am debt free.
- I forgive myself for believing I will always be in debt to my parents for what they gave me.
- I forgive myself for holding myself in debt to my parents out of loyalty.
- I forgive my parents for making me a debtor.
- I forgive my parents for shaming me for having blessings in my life they worked hard for.
- I forgive my parents for shaming me about money.
- I forgive my parents for blaming me for their debt.
- I give my parents permission to forgive me for blaming them.
- I give my parents permission to forgive me for all debt I owe them.
- I give my parents permission to forgive me for costing money.
These are a few forgiveness statements to help you let go of the debt you can not pay.
Enjoy and let me know what you think!