Your behavior, (good or bad) is always to justify your current belief system. Ask yourself, “What would I have to believe to feel this way?” Remember, what you believe isn’t necessarily true for everyone. It is just what you have chosen or been programmed to believe is absolute truth. Your mind will put attention on the life experiences you have that prove or justify what you believe. Less attention or no attention will be given to the life experiences you have that fail to support your beliefs. A person who is verbally abused as a child may decide to believe they deserve it. They could decide to believe if they could meet every expectation perfectly, they would no longer deserve to be abused.
Example: You feel no one loves you.
I forgive myself for believing I’m unlovable.
I forgive myself for choosing behavior that may make it difficult to love me.
I forgive myself for withholding love from others.
I forgive myself for believing if my life experience were different/better then people would love me.
Example: I feel worthless.
I forgive myself for believing I’m worthless.
I forgive myself for believing I am undeserving of worth or value.
I forgive myself for choosing behavior to prove I am worthless.
I forgive myself for believing women (or men or children) are worthless.
I forgive myself for believing I must be worthless to prove my loyalty to others.