Source: Jenn Ocken Photography
Over the past 25 years, I have seen thousands of people who suffer from chronic pain. I’m a holistic doctor so by the time a person makes it to my office, they have already exhausted medical means of eliminating their pain. Their list of hopeful cures include a broad range of drugs, surgery and physical therapy. My office offers a variety of holistic cures including nutritional advice, spinal manipulation, cold laser, sound therapy and emotional healing. I have found forgiveness combined with energy work to be the most amazing way to minimize and eliminate chronic pain.
EPTworks, a holistic therapy I developed, is an amazing tool that quickly identifies what the person needs to forgive in their life to effectively release their chronic physical pain. Ask yourself, “What emotional stress or hurt in my life did I feel powerless to change?” It may be the loss of your family in a divorce, the loss of a parent or friend, a significant move, a now-healed serious illness, or and abusive dad. These significant emotional events that you really could not change, are usually the source of the physical pain you can’t let go of. Forgiveness is the key to release all the stored painful memories that cause the chronic physical pain. Besides forgiving those who hurt you, ask yourself what you may have decided to believe that isn’t true and forgive yourself for that.
Example 1) A woman with unremitting chronic depression of 13 years. At age 12 her only other sibling/brother was killed in a car accident. Her parents withdrew as they handled their own grief. She was left alone to handle the loss on her own. At the onset of her depression was the expected death of her mother which left her alone like she was at the death of her brother at age 12. she felt like she handled very well but still could not come out of the depression. She had to forgive her parents for not being there for her when her brother died. She had to forgive the driver who killed her brother. She had to forgive herself for believing she would never heal from the loss of her brother. Her depression immediately lifted. A year later, she was still symptom free.
Example 2) A woman with low back pain for over 10 years. She lost her dearly loved father in a divorce at age 6. Her mother made it very difficult for dad to visit or have visitation. He eventually gave up and she never heard from him again. She had to support her mother emotionally after the divorce and could not speak of her loss of her dad. She had to forgive her mother for keeping her dad from contacting her. She had to forgive her dad for giving up. She had to forgive herself for believing she could never let go of the hurt of losing her father and the family she loved. She had to forgive herself for believing it would never get better. Her low back pain vanished as she stated the forgiveness and never returned. Though she had not spoken to her mother about her father for years, she asked her mother if she knew where he may be contacted. After over thirty years, she joyfully reunited with her father.